This report examines the reasons Slobodan Milosevic, the then president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, decided on June 3, 1999, to accept NATO's conditions for terminating the conflict over Kosovo. Drawing in part upon the testimony of Milosevic and other senior Serb and foreign officials who directly interacted with Milosevic, the report analyzes (1) the assumptions and other calculations that underlay Milosevic's initial decision to defy NATO's demands with regard to Kosovo, and (2) the political, economic, and military developments and pressures, and the resulting expectations and concerns that most importantly influenced his subsequent decision to come to terms. While several interrelated factors, including Moscow's eventual endorsement of NATO's terms, helped shape Milosevic's decision to yield, it was the cumulative effect of NATO air power that proved most decisive. The allied bombing of Serbia's infrastructure targets, as it intensified, stimulated a growing interest among both the Serbian public and Belgrade officials to end the conflict. Milosevic's belief that the bombing that would follow a rejection of NATO's June 2 peace terms would be massively destructive and threatening to his continued rule made a settlement seem imperative. Also examined are some implications for future U.S. and allied military capabilities and operations.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Part I
Why Milosevic Didn't Settle Earlier
Chapter Two
He Assumed Accepting Rambouillet Terms Would Endanger His Rule
Chapter Three
He Assumed He Could Force NATO to Offer Better Terms
Part II
Why Milosevic Decided to Settle on June 3
Chapter Four
He Realized That His Hoped-For Leverage on NATO Had Evaporated
Chapter Five
Bombing Produced a Popular Climate Conducive to Concessions
Chapter Six
Damage to "Dual-Use" Infrastructure Generated Growing Pressure
Chapter Seven
Damage to Military Forces and KLA "Resurgence" Generated Little Pressure
Chapter Eight
He Expected Unconstrained Bombing If NATO's Terms Were Rejected
Chapter Nine
He Probably Also Worried About Threat of Future Invasion
Chapter Ten
He Believed NATO's Terms Provided Him with Some Political Cover
Part III
Concluding Observations
Chapter Eleven
This report is part of the RAND Corporation monograph report series. The monograph/report was a product of the RAND Corporation from 1993 to 2003. RAND monograph/reports presented major research findings that addressed the challenges facing the public and private sectors. They included executive summaries, technical documentation, and synthesis pieces.
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