Yorkshire Farm is located a 10-minute drive from Shintoku Station on the Sekisho Line. Located within a sheep ranch with an English garden, the B&B offers a relaxing farmstay experience along with a range of activities including fishing, rafting, horse riding, etc. 3 different dinner coures are available to choose from. Fresh lamb meat from sheep grown on the ranch is served. The Southdown hogget is highly recommended. The Western-style rooms come equipped with AC, bath and toilet. Internet connection is available in guest rooms.
Check-in: 15:00 Last check-in: 22:00 Check-out: 10:00 Closest station: [Nearest Station]10min. by car from Shintoku Sta. on the Sekisho Line.
[From New Chitose Airport]
3min. (1 stop) by rapid train 'Airpot' to Minami Chitose. Then approx. 80min. (4 stops) by JR Limited Express 'Super Tokachi' from Minami Chitose to Shintoku.

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Bird Farm Bogor Ternak Kenari Yorkshire dan Blackthroat ...