Welcome to the Northern region's learning page. In the Northern region we have a learning network based in the North East and a fledgling network in South Yorkshire. We have ULRs and branches working throughout the region to discuss and plan learning activity with the region and make sure that the events we hold are relevant and interesting. Last term we had over 300 members get involved in learning in the region.
Learning events that we have offered have included creativity in the classroom, raising boys achievement and behaviour management.
As a member in the Northern region you can get involved through completing a learning needs survey, attending an event or getting involved to become a union learning rep. This term a number of branches are undertaking learning needs surveys and will be using these to shape the events that will be on offer.
This term we are running events on protecting your professional online identity, and stress management and well-being.
Effective Engagement With Pupils
Don't Look at the Ceiling Tiles' is a training presentation developed for teachers who recognise they can make a difference in the classroom and appreciate that behaviour is linked to engagement.
We will investigate effective strategies to increase engagement and also learn about proven methods for dealing with off-task and inappropriate behaviour.
Course details
Venue to be confirmed - 19 March 2016
ATL Northern New Teacher Conference
ATL are working in partnership with Northumbria University to offer a fantastic day of CPD and networking exclusively for new teachers in the Northern region.
We've got a jam-packed day planned and although we are still ironing out some of the details here's what we have confirmed so far:
- Effective questioning
- Mental Health in schools
- Employability workshop led by Hays Education
- Meet the Parents
- Working with your TA
- A Curriculum That Counts
Keynote Speaker: Hywel Roberts "Creativity in the classroom – lessons worth behaving for".