These changes may be unavoidable, for example when you move house, or sometimes they occur because of difficulties at your child's current school. Changing schools is a big event for any child and should not be undertaken without first talking to the head teacher at your child's current school, to try and resolve any problems.
If you live in North Yorkshire, in-year admission requests must be made by filling in an in-year preference form online listing up to five school preferences. We will then look at each preference in turn, starting with the highest, and provide your details to the school. If there is not a place available at that school, we will look at your next highest preference and continue down the list until we can offer your child a place. If we are unable to allocate any of your preferences we will seek to find an alternative place at a school within a reasonable distance of your home. You also have a right to appeal for a place at any of the schools listed on your preference form. We may require proof of residency before considering offering a school place.
If you are not currently living in North Yorkshire, but are requesting a place at a North Yorkshire school, you should contact your home authority and complete their in-year preference form. If you are planning to move into North Yorkshire, you can still complete our online form, but we will need to know when you are moving and the address in North Yorkshire that you are moving to, to enable us to process your application.
Apply for an in-year place online
You can apply online for an in-year school place here.
Information to help you decide on a school
You can find Information about all schools in North Yorkshire here, along with over-subscription criteria and details of the catchment area for your school. You can contact our education office if you need any further information or help applying.
Voluntary aided, trust, academy and foundation schools
You may have listed a voluntary-aided, trust, academy or foundation school as one or more of your preferences. These schools are their own admissions authority and may ask you for further information to decide whether you are eligible for a place according to their admissions policy. They will notify the local authority if they have a place available. The local authority will then advise parents or carers by letter, on behalf of all schools, of the place that has been allocated.
If you have listed one of the following schools as your highest preference, you must apply directly to the school.
- Skipton Girls' High School,
- Richard Taylor CE Primary School, Harrogate,
- St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Tadcaster,
- St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School, Ripon.
If the school is unable to offer a place you do have a statutory right to an admission appeal, details of which must be provided by the school.
The school must inform us of the outcome of your application. If the school is unable to allocate a place you should contact the admissions team for advice or submit an online in-year application form, listing up to five preferences.
In-year fair access
All North Yorkshire schools operate collaborative arrangements for the admission of pupils under an in-year fair access protocol, as required in the admissions code.
In-year fair access makes sure that unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible. This includes admitting children to schools that are already oversubscribed. All schools contribute to this arrangement and will both lose and gain pupils under the protocol. Further details of the protocol can be viewed here.
Appealing a decision
If you have not been allocated a place at your highest preference school you will be offered a statutory right of appeal. An independent panel will look at your circumstances and decide whether, even though the school has reached its published admission number (PAN), you should be offered a place. You can make an appeal for more than one school.
If you have been refused a place at a community or voluntary-controlled school, appeal papers will normally be enclosed with the letter advising you of the outcome of your application.
If you have been refused a place at a voluntary aided, foundation or trust school, you will need to contact the school directly to get an appeal form. The school in question will arrange to hear any appeal under their agreed admission appeal arrangements.
Refusing an offer of a place
Parents who do not wish to accept a place at a school offered to them must notify the local authority within two weeks of the offer being made.