(If you would like this statement in an alternative format such as large print or Braille, please contact the hotel by telephone on 01969 667 571 (+44 1969 667 571 from outside the UK) or by e-mail to .
Accessibility at the hotel
The Stone House Hotel welcomes people with disabilities and has developed this Access Statement to address some of the more common issues that disabled people face.
This access statement is intended to provide additional information for all guests who wish to attend the hotel or use its facilities. Recognition has been given to include guests with an impairment, which could include: Mobility, Sight, Hearing, Learning Disabilities or any other hidden impairment.
The Stone House Hotel aims to ensure that all employees, guests and others who use, or assist in, the provision of our services โ whether they have a mobility difficulty, a visual impairment, are deaf or hard of hearing, are deaf blind, have a speech impairment or difficulty, have a learning difficulty or mental health disability, use a wheelchair, cane, walking frame or crutches, or have any other disability โ are treated equally and according to their needs.
We request that anyone wishing to make an enquiry or booking inform us of any special needs or disabilities that they may have in order for us to meet any personal requirements. All staff are fully trained to assist disabled guests with empathy.
The Stone House Hotel is located 1 mile north of Hawes, 17 miles west of Leyburn and is located 300yds from Brunt Acres road approximately 1 mile north of its junction with the A684 trunk road.
The hotel is within easy reach of the M6 and A1. The M6 is 23 miles to the west via the A684 (Junction 37)
The Stone House Hotel has 1 car park large enough to provide all guests with off-road parking. It is on a level graveled surface approx 25m from the main entrance of the hotel. Although there are no designated disabled parking spaces, guests with mobility difficulties can drive to the main entrance for check-in. The car can then be valet parked to the car park and returned for departures on request. We request that the main entrance area is kept clear of cars to allow emergency vehicle access.
There are 2 steps before the main entrance โ each 140mm high. A portable wheelchair ramp is available.
All ground floor areas of the hotel are accessible to wheelchair users however disabled cloakroom facilities are not available. We do not have a lift or a stair lift so all guests with mobility difficulties should request ground-floor rooms. There are 5 ground-floor rooms in the main house. Although accessible from the main entrance by wheelchair, these rooms are not specifically designed for wheelchair access and therefore some mobility is required for entering the bedroom, moving around within the room and using the facilities including the bathroom.
Our Commitment to accessibility
We constantly endeavour to improve accessibility to all our guests and any comments you have would be most welcome. Please pass on your comments to any of our staff or contact the general manager directly.
If you require any further information relating to the accessibility of the hotel, please do not hesitate to contact us on (01969) 667 571 (+44 1969 667 571 from outside the UK) or e-mail or in person and we will do our best to answer your queries.
Accessibility: this web site
This web site has been designed to be accessible to as wide a range of users as possible with the aim that everyone, regardless of ability, can use our site. We provide below information on accessibility features included within the site.
Layout and Text Sizes
The site uses cascading style sheets to control the visual layout.
The size of the text can be altered to suit your requirements. Many Internet browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer) allow you to customise the size of the font on web pages. To do this in Internet Explorer, select the View menu at the top of your screen, then select Text Size, and then select a size. If you already have your text size set to larger or smaller than the default (medium) our web pages should automatically display the font at the size you have selected.
Compliance with the Standards
This web site uses valid CSS
At the time of completion by the web designer all content images used in this site include descriptive ALT attributes. Purely decorative graphics include null ALT attributes.
Links and navigation
All the links in the Navigation bar to at the top have title attributes which describe the content of the target page in greater detail. You can also use our Site Map page which provides a full list of and easy access to all pages within this web site.