We aim to provide an excellent service in the management of Firearms and Explosive Licensing for residents and visitors to North Yorkshire and the City of York.
You will help us to help you and speed the processing of your application if you read the relevant notes with the application and ensure your forms are correctly completed. If you have any queries or require further advice please call, fax or email your enquiry to the department on the details above.
Service Delivery
We provide a licensing service:
With due regard and concern for public safety and consider all applications for the grant and renewal of any certificates, licence or pass equally and fairly and process them expeditiously as possible.
Our priority is:
To support the legal, safe and secure possession of firearms within North Yorkshire and the City of York .
Customer Contract
Where there is no concern for public safety and the applicant fulfils all legislative criteria and provided the applicant:
- completes the application form honestly and accurately.
- sends four photographs of the correct size (a hat must not be worn on the photographs).
- signs one photograph.
- sends a cheque for the correct amount, payable to PCC for North Yorkshire.
North Yorkshire Police will endeavour to process your application within the following timescales:
Renewals - reminder letters/packs will be sent out 12 weeks in advance with a reminder letter approx 4 weeks later. Providing a correctly completed application is received within the given timescale of 4 weeks and that there are no concerns regarding your continued suitability your renewed certificate will be issued approx two weeks before expiry of the old certificate.
Grants - from the date of receiving an application for the grant of a firearm or shotgun certificates can take up to 4 months to complete, depending on background and medical checks etc. A Firearms Enquiry Officer will contact you to arrange a visit. Once the visit has been completed and the paperwork returned to the department we will aim to produce your certificate as soon as all relevant checks have been completed.
Change of address - from date of receipt providing there are no issues, we aim to issue a new certificate within 20 working days.
European Firearm Pass (EFP) - from date of receipt providing there are no issues, we aim to issue the grant of an EFP within 10 working days. Please note that an EFP is issued to expire with either your firearm or shotgun certificate therefore it is your responsibility when forwarding your firearm or shotgun renewal application to indicate if you also wish to renew your EFP, as no reminders are sent.
Temporary Permit - from date of request within 5 working days.
Visitor Firearm & Shotgun permits - applications for visitor permits are required 6-8 weeks prior to the visitor coming into the UK to allow the sponsor to forward the permit to the visitor. Visitor permits are processed within 5 working days providing we receive them within the required timescale.