Here we will provide information about active consultations and provide information on how you can make your views known. Previous consultation documents, including summaries of responses and reports and evidence are available on the archive page.
Consultation on minerals and waste joint plan preferred options stage
Preferred options is an important stage of the development of the minerals and waste joint plan. It takes forward the selected options from the issues and options consultation and develops them into preferred options which, if found suitable, will form the basis of the final draft policies before submission of the plan for examination in public by an independent inspector.
Following assessment, using the procedures identified in the site identification and assessment document, a selection of sites have been identified as suitable to enable the delivery of relevant preferred policies in the plan.
The preferred options for both policies and sites are presented in the preferred options consultation documents which are available to view below. A response from has been provided for you to provide answers to any of the questions within the document or to provide any other comments on the content of the consultation.
More detailed reports dealing with the sustainability appraisal of both the preferred options policies and sites is available on the sustainability appraisal and site and area assessment pages.
A policies map has been produced which displays the preferred options policies and also the preferred sites along with supporting minerals, waste and environmental evidence, on an ordnance survey map base. This is available to view via the table below.
Policies map
A series of maps showing preferred policies and site allocations.
The consultation runs from Monday 16 November until 5pm on Friday 15 January 2016.
Paper copies of the new and revised consultation document can be viewed at these locations [36kb].
Give us your views
This consultation has now closed.
Previous consultation
Work on the minerals and waste joint plan started in May 2013, when we sought views on what a minerals and waste plan for the area should contain. The feedback we received during this first consultation has helped us identify the issues on which the plan should focus. The next stage was to present the issues and also provide possible options for dealing with the issues identified. This took place between February and April 2014 with an additional supplementary sites consultation in spring 2015. The previous consultation documents, including a summary of the responses we received can be found on the minerals and waste joint plan page.