On Sunday 26 April 2014 the final service was held at the Hawes chapel, the building was full and a report and photographs of the occasion can be found on the link below.
The Methodists in Hawes had to travel to Gayle to worship; and for the first fifty years of the life of the Hawes Society was spent in the Sedbergh Circuit until joining the Wensleydale Circuit in 1901.
The first Methodist Chapel at Hawes was built in 1856, on land given by Mr William Whaley. The present Chapel was built in 1913 at a total cost of £2, 101 15s 3d and seats 300.
At first the music was provided by a small local orchestra, and then, in memory of those who died in the Great War, an organ was installed.
Barry Wilcox has written an interesting short history of Hawes Chapel and this can be found on the link to the right of this page.Should you want to attend a service St Margaret's Parish Church in Hawes has a service at 10.30am every Sunday.
Methodist Chapels nearby can be found at Gayle and Bainbridge. Details of their services can be found by clicking on this link to the circuit plan.
Further information is available from the Minister.