Dear Old Hum has taken me to the Devonshire Arms Bolton Abbey. This hotel is listed on our website and is really promoting dog friendliness so when Joe from Bounders asked Hum to find Ruth from Rovernighter a proper dog friendly hotel for her photoshoot (to be displayed at Crufts no less!), Hum was straight on the phone to Sonya, the lovely Marketing lady to sort the Devonshire Arms as a perfect location to promote the Rovernighter bag/bed.
Hum & I stayed previously in the Devonshire Fell and that was lovely but the Devonshire Arms Bolton Abbey is really SO much more POSH!!!
After a bit of a journey (Hum got lost in Leeds even with Mrs Sat Nav’s help) we arrived and got a super friendly welcome from Amy in reception!
Ryan took our bag up to an absolutely super duper room. Totally Shamazing! It was the Shepherd Room and had lots of pictures of sheep and a big Wooden Ram on the wall and shepherd’s crooks and such-like – all the stuff Hum loves – all in the detail and the décor she says…
Hum was also delighted with other stuff – not only good coffee BUT a proper coffee machine for the morning (yeah Hum will be happy and the world will be good); lots of goodies including a little cake and biscuits and there was even a fridge with fresh milk – such a big plus for Hum
In the bathroom there was her flannel and real soap and fluffy robe and big soft towels over heaters and the usually missing bathmat (well 2 of them!) one for the bath and one for the shower.
Back in the bedroom not only did Hum have a four poster bed but I did too!!! Eddie the Concierge brought it for me – there was a welcome note, a biscuit, blankie, bowl, towel and the fab four poster bed!!! Just right for my status!!! Seeing as I is more princess than duchess – thanks Devonshire Arms
I made short work of the biscuit while Hum unpacked and we settled in.
Now Eddie really is a proper totally amazing proper concierge (Hum can only aspire to his status) and when we went down to reception he told us where to go for a walk and where I could be off lead and enjoy the environments.
Back at the hotel & Hum freshened up i.e. she had a bubbly bath – what is it with Humans and baths? I mean I like getting wet in the rain and in puddles and such-like but BATH – no way!!! Any how she was happy in her huge fluffy towel and she got sorted for dinner.
Now here is something I is not totally happy with….At Devonshire Arms Bolton Abbey, us four-legs are allowed in the lounges (including the totally cool one with dog wall paper) but not in the restaurant or the bar/brasserie. SO I had to stay at reception while Hum went for dinner and you know what I is like with my separation anxiety thingy. Oh dear!!! But never mind! The Devonshire Arms Bolton Abbey has it covered. Eddie the super concierge was cool and he let me sit on his lap and help him with his computer work – I guess he knew I was good at that sort of thing given as how I do my blog and all….Any ways he was lovely and I have a crush on him but don’t tell 😉
Ruth in the Brasserie helped Hum with the menu and good stuff – she chose my favourite foods – Ham terrine; venison and Yorkshire cheese. BIG thanks Hum!
Back at the room and we chilled out with TV and tea (and those biscuits) for Hum. She decided the room was perfect in layout – sofa perfect to watch TV; tables where needed; chairs where needed; lights & power points in the right places; full length mirror so she could check if she looked OK and well just everything she needed (except maybe a tiny table just by the sofa for her cup of tea)…
I really enjoyed the doggy bag she brought me full of dinner and we settled down for a nice relaxing evening together.
Next morning and we had to think of the impending photoshoot. Hum took me out early for a bit of exercise (we played ball and explored the gardens) and then came back for a shower and to pack up. She told me that she had slept super well – the bed was amazing, as were the pillows; the room dark as she likes and extremely quiet. Perfect for Hum.
She loved the shower ‘cos it was a rain shower like she has at home and the coffee machine was a defo BIG hit – super-duper plus points for that!
Breakfast & I had to be left again and I made sure Hum knew I wasn’t happy (Eddie had a day off) but she did order smoked haddock with poached egg and chef did an extra egg just for me! So Hum was forgiven and I was happy again.
Well that takes us up to the meeting of Ruth, Bronwyn, Joe & Scrooby for the photo shoot so keep reading! I’ll post about that soon.